Exquisite Corpse
Mill Mountain Woman
Object 2
Hanging By a Thread: Red Wolves
Exquisite Corpse
Exquisite Corpse

Three person drawing (SJ in the middle) for Exquisite Corpse exhibition at 1708 Gallery,  Richmond, VA, 2014


Collaborative project with Tif Robinette. Take away favors for Feminism: I Will Always Love You open studio event. Tampons, ribbon, glitter, paper, 2103

Mill Mountain Woman
Mill Mountain Woman

Print produced for Psychogeography Maps of Roanoke, Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, VA. Digital print on paper, 19"x13", 2012

Object 2
Object 2

Created for Permanent Collection (works inspired by MoMa collection) curated by Edward Del Rosario for Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY. After Meret Opppenheim's "Object". Egg tempera on panel, 9"x12", 2012

Hanging By a Thread: Red Wolves
Hanging By a Thread: Red Wolves

Print produced for the Endangered Species Print Project to benefit the Species Survival Program for critically endangered Red Wolves. Original, egg tempera on panel, 20"x16", 2010 http://www.endangeredspeciesprintproject.com