In my three-dimensional textile work, I use crafting techniques such as sewing, embroidery, and felting to create sculptures, garments, and installations. I am currently sewing a life-scale wool felt figure titled “The Mother.” I started this project in early 2020 before the pandemic and I’ve been working on her since then.
She is made of ivory-colored virgin wool felt with hand-felted components. Her belly is an open cavity lined in red velvet. Inside and spilling out of this cavity will be felted animals, plant forms, a baby human, and other creatures made of wool. I am creating at least one hundred felted forms that will extend from the figure’s belly outwards on cords of wool roving.
This sculpture represents Mother Earth or Gaia birthing out the creatures of our planet. She is a human scale poppet, an effigy or doll, which asserts our intimate and spiritual relationship with the natural world.
I hope to finish her soon and find a place to share her with the public. Please contact me if you are interested in exhibiting “The Mother.”